
The Pentecost season is here, and it lasts a loooong time, all the way to the last Sunday in November. Remember what Pentecost is? It’s the coming of the Holy Spirit – sent by Jesus and the Father – to be with us and guide us always. During this time of the church year, we hear stories about Jesus as he travels around the Judean countryside. We see his healing miracles, teachings on how God expects us to love, and forgiveness offered to even the least deserving. In other words – Jesus’ ministry gets outside the sanctuary and into real life!

Pentecost season runs alongside our ‘real life’, too, when summer is fully upon us – kids are out of school, windows open and we can really see God’s creation in full bloom. There is much to be thankful for when the winter winds turn mild, and we feel warm breezes and cheerful sunshine. We are renewed in mind, body and spirit.

While we sometimes step back and slow down during the summer months (which is good; everyone needs to experience Sabbath rest!), we also have an opportunity to enjoy wonderful fellowship with friends and neighbors (think of all those church chicken barbecues), vacation time, weddings, graduations, and local festivals. All these events renew our spirits in so many ways.

The Holy Spirit is upon us in the Pentecost season, leading us to greater faith in Christ. May your summer (and your Pentecost season) reflect the love that God has shown us that through Jesus, “there is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) That’s the Good News of the Gospel!

Blessings for your summer!

Pr. Rita Bair