
Happy Reformation!

Here at last! 500 years in the making!

Would Martin Luther approve of our pulling out all the stops for this Reformation?

I think so, but not because it brought a separation of the Body of Christ!

*He would celebrate that ALL people now participate in reading and studying the Bible as God’s inspired Word for their lives.

*He would love to know that God’s people rejoice, because they know they are forgiven through Jesus’ death and resurrection.

*He would especially love that they follow Jesus through loving service to, and sacrifice for, others, instead of worrying about their own salvation.

*Martin would be overjoyed that young people learn about faith first from parents, and then from their Church community, who support parents in their vocation as teachers and mentors of faith.

*Martin Luther would love that after 500 years of separation a Lutheran Bishop (Daniel Beaudoin) and a Roman Catholic Bishop (Daniel Thomas) celebrated an ecumenical service together, where hundreds of the faithful from both denominations joined in to worship their gracious God of all.

Yes, I think Martin Luther would approve. So this year, especially join your worshipping community (St. Peter, St. Luke, or another community of faith) on Sunday, October 29th.

*Remember and rejoice that through the courage, faith and sacrifice of many people 500 years ago (including Martin!), the light of Christ began to shine in new ways for the world!

*Remember and rejoice in the knowledge that we are made right before God because of Jesus!

*Remember and rejoice that, going forward, we see our brothers and sisters in Christ through His eyes, and that we collaborate with them in ministry for the sake of a broken world!

*Remember and rejoice in this: For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God! (Eph 2:8)

May God bless you richly during this joyful Reformation Monty! Soli Deo Gloria!

Pr. Rita