2019 Reading the Bible

Greetings all!     Happy 2019! 
Our Bishop Daniel wants to encourage and challenge us to join with the rest of the Northwestern Ohio Synod and read through the entire Bible in One Year. Back in 2004 and 2012, the parishes he was serving read through the Bible in One Year as a community spiritual practice. Scripture is meant to be read in community, so please don’t do this alone!

The Bishop wants to invite us to form a number of small groups in our parish, who will gather weekly, twice a month, or monthly (it’s really up to us), and commit to doing this spiritual practice together. If we try to do it alone, we will get halfway into Leviticus, get mad and give up!  Don’t do that. Read together. Reflect together. Learn together. It’s the best way. If nothing else, find a partner or two; that way you can hold each other accountable!

I’m reading too; you are not alone!  A link to the Bible reading plan is here. Let me know how you are doing, and let’s talk!

Pr. Rita