Settled and Sent

Our Bishop recently asked – what’s the difference between ‘settled’ and ‘sent’?  It’s a good way of thinking about how Jesus Christ taught his disciples.  Jesus taught about forgiveness, mercy and compassion for the ‘least of these’.   Jesus acted out these characteristics in his healing the sick, and by welcoming all people to table fellowship.  Jesus sent his disciples out to do the same things – heal, forgive, welcome.

In the Book of Acts, we see the disciples – newly empowered by Jesus’ death and Resurrection – going out with the gospel message from Jerusalem into Judea and Samaria, no longer afraid, but filled with the Holy Spirit.

So we might ask – were they ‘settled’, staying inside their own little circle of friends and neighbors, keeping safe and snug … or were they ’sent’ into the unknown, not completely sure how things would go, but going anyway?  Yes, they were SENT!  AND SO ARE WE!

I know; being sent isn’t always easy.  It’s far easier to keep doing things the way they have always been done, keeping safe and sure of ourselves.  But that is NOT how Jesus did things.  Jesus set a different path for his disciples, and for us.

2019 is the Year of Scripture (are you still keeping up with your Bible reading??).  2020 will be the Year of Mission & Vision, and we will focus on the Book of Acts.

Stay tuned!

Blessings … Pr. Rita

Your Word is a lamp to my feet & a light to my path – Ps 119:105